Promotional Marketing Samples – “Social Media Blurbs”

(Please use the links to download copies of these samples:)

Promotional Marketing Samples – “Social Media Blurbs” -.docx
Promotional Marketing Samples – “Social Media Blurbs” -.PDF


  • Promoting and Marketing: Singer and Human Rights Activist, Lizea Harper

Re-electing her rappin’ and her Hip-Hop helping hand! The theatre votes for Lizea Harper!

  • Promoting and Marketing: Country music group, The Federales, performing in St. Paul

Step out of the capital city and into the country with The Federales this Friday!

  • Promoting and Marketing: Jazz Trumpeter, Solomon Sessons

Did you know that St. Paul’s original name was “Pig’s Eye?” Did you know that famous jazz artist Louis Nelson Delisle’s nickname was “Big-Eye”? Do you know that artists, like myself, sometimes need to be a ham just so we can bring home the bacon? Ok, ok. I’ll stop.

But writers oftentimes create improvisational text just as musicians play improvisational notes. And the jazz performances at our theatre are no different – especially when those performances are by none other than Jazz Trumpeter Solomon Sessons.

Solomon plays before an audience with fun, rhythmic urgency and inventive expression as only jazz music can have. The sensational experience he offers is as unique as the original name of the city in which he’ll perform! It’s as special as the nickname of the famous jazz artist who precedes him! So come to the theatre for the thrilling musical event with Solomon Sessons! It will deliver stimulating sensations of excitement, exhilaration, and enjoyment that you don’t want to miss!

  • Promoting and Marketing: Singer PipJazz’s Birthday Concert

Listening to her incomparable vocality as it effortlessly moves and grooves with her playful musical flair, the birthday girl – Pippi herself – will make you feel like you’re the one receiving the gift! Once you see her live performance, it will be your wish to see it again and again the next time you blow out your candles! So come out to the theatre and witness magic in the making with PipJazz!

  • Promoting and Marketing: The Showing of a Silent Horror Film w/ Live Musical Accompaniment

Silence is Golden – or is it deadly? Come feel alive while watching silent horror film, “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” as it is accompanied with a live musical score! Be hypnotized with fear as you fill the silence with your screams!

  • Promoting and Marketing: A Live Country Band in Concert

We aren’t about to outlaw the musical stylings of these bandits! So hop on the next bandwagon out, travel down that dusty road, and be held up with acoustical excitement as the theatre proudly welcomes the Inlaws and Outlaws! But you don’t wannabe late…the stage is about to leave!

  • Promoting and Marketing: Violinist, Taras Umrysh

Come experience the resonating, sonorous Détaché of Violinist, Taras Umrysh, as he draws his bow across the strings of his violin with such magic, he even draws color from the light. It’s happening at Bedlam!

  • Promoting and Marketing: Jazz singer, Pippi Ardennia

You have a lot of living to do if you haven’t heard Jazz singer Pippi Ardennia perform! Come to Bedlam and experience the timbre of her style! After all, Pippi doesn’t just have style – she is style!

  • Promoting and Marketing: The Abraham Play

A one-man performance about a one-man patriarch – Abraham. Bedlam proudly presents The Abraham Play, as noted actor and playwright, Jon Adam Ross, explores modern interpretations of the iconic biblical leader. After having over 500 conversations with Minnesotans of all ages, Ross has interwoven the very DNA of those conversations into his production. So sacrifice your to-do list, and come out to Bedlam for an experience that doesn’t promise to be a test – just a blessing!

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